Dichrostachys cinerea


Binomial Name : Dichrostachys cinerea
Common Name : Sickle Bush
Tamil Name : Veduttalam
Family : Mimosaceae
Place : Sorathur, Tiruvannamalai, TN
Date : Dec 2015


---> HEADACHES : A lotion made from the leaves and bark is used to rinse out the mouth and to soak a cloth which is bound around the head to soothe headaches.
---> SNAKEBITES : Snakebites, scorpion stings and insect stings are treated with the leaf and bark - the leaf is chewed well and then applied and bound over the area. .
---> STOMACH PAINS : The leaf can be chewed to ease colic and heartburn and can be made into a tea to remedy stomach ailments and diarrhoea
---> WOUNDS : A lotion made from the leaves and bark is used as a wound cleanser and healer. Dried powdered bark is sprinkled onto the wound to promote healing
---> SKIN : Dried powdered bark is directly applied to skin eruptions, sores, blisters and abscesses for both man and animal
---> Fruit and seeds that grow on Sickle Bush are edible.
---> The wood is very hard and durable, and often used as fencing posts and fuelwood
---> Pods are very nutritious and eaten by game and stock

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