Tridax procumbens

Scientific classification

Kingdom   : Plantae
Division    : Angiosperms
Class         : Eudicots
Order        : Asterales
Family      : Asteraceae
Genus       : Tridax
Species     : T. procumbens

     Tridax procumbens, commonly known as coat buttons or tridax daisy, is a species of flowering plant in the daisy family. The plant bears daisy like yellow centered white or yellow flowers
with threetoothed ray florets. The leaves are toothed and generally arrow head shaped.This weed can be found in fields, meadows, croplands, disturbed areas, lawns, and roadsides in areas with
tropical or semitropical climates.


      Some  India state that the leaf juice can be used to cure fresh wounds, to stop bleeding, as a hair tonic. Rajasthan were using the plant for treatment of diabetes.

Tridax procumbens - Solitary flower
Place : Kuthiraiyar Anai , Plani 
Date : 11.01.2015

Tridax procumbens - Leaves
Place : Kuthiraiyar Anai , Plani
Date : 11.01.2015
Tridax procumbens - Ripe fruit with winged achenes ready for wind dispersal
Place : Sorathur , Tiruvannamalai
Date : 19.01.2015

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