Catharanthus roeus

Nithyakalyani ( நித்தியகல்யாணி )

Binomial Name : Catharanthus roseus
Common Name : Periwinkle
Tamil Name : Nithyakalyani ( நித்தியகல்யாணி )
Family : Apocynaceae
Place : Sorathur, Tiruvannamalai, TN
Date : Dec 2015


---> Take Catharanthus Roseus leaves. Prepare an infusion. Use it as a douche
---> External Bleeding : Take Catharanthus Roseus leaves. Boil them. Prepare poultice. Apply on affected part
---> Insect Bites : Take Catharanthus Roseus leaves. Boil them. Extract them. Apply it on the affected area
---> Diabetes : Take Catharanthus Roseus leaves. Prepare decoction. Drink early in the morning for 7 days
---> Wounds : Take Catharanthus Roseus roots. Prepare decoction. Wash the wounds with it twice a day.
---> Piles : Take Catharanthus Roseus leaves. Boil them. Strain. Drink it twice a day
---> Catharanthus roseus is a popular ornamental plant

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