Ziziphus oenoplia
Binomial Name : Ziziphus oenoplia
Common Name : Wild jujube
Tamil Name : Suraimullu ( சூரைமுள்ளு )
Family : Rhamanaceae
Place : Sorathur, Tiruvannamalai, TN
Date : 16 January 2016
---> The berries are small size and very tasty and edible
---> The bark is used for tanning
---> The roots are astringent bitter, anthelmintic, digestive and antiseptic. They are useful in hyperacidity, ascaris infection, stomachalgia and healing of wounds
---> Ziziphus Oenoplia contains vulnerary property. It helps to heal the wounds.
Grind the leaves of Ziziphus Oenoplia . Mix it with coconut oil. Apply it on the wounds two or three times a day.
Caution : Clean the wounds with an antiseptic before applying the paste
---> Take Catechu bark and Ziziphus Oenoplia bark. Powder them. Add a little butter. Cook them. Keep it for a few minutes in the fridge. Apply it on the Sores or Ulcers. Do this at least once a day
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