Cardiospermum helicacabum

Binomial Name : Cardiospermum helicacabum
Common Name : Balloon Vine
Tamil Name : Mudakattan ( முடக்கொத்தான் )
Family : Sapindaceae
Place : Sorathur, Tiruvannamalai, TN
Date : Dec 2015


---> COUGH
* Soak some leaves of in water stored in a mud pot. Drink it frequently.
* Mix in a mud pot 6 tablespoons each of Balloon Vine leaves, Climbing Brinjal and a small piece of crushed Galangal root. Add One tablespoon Cumin , 4 Black Peppers and One tablespoon dried Ginger powder. Add 3 glasses of water. Boil till reduced to One glass. Take One tablespoon twice a day.
---> PILES
* Soak 8 to 10 Leaves in a jug of water. Stored in a mud pot. Drink it frequently
* Fry some Leaves in ghee. Apply on the affected area. Bandage.
* Take One tablespoon Balloon Vine seeds, 2 Peppers and 2 tablespoon Conch Grass. Grind with 2 tablespoons Butter. Mix the paste in One glass Butter milk and drink on an empty stomach every morning.
* A decoction of the Cardiospermum Halicacabum roots is given in half tablespoonful doses twice a day for bleeding piles
* Fry the leaves in Coconut Oil. Tie on lower abdomen for few hours. Repeat Twice a day
* Grind One cup leaves with half cup of Coconut Oil. Keep the paste in the sun and apply on the affected area.
* The juice of the leaves is put into the ear for earache
* Fry some Balloon Vine leaves in One cup of Gingerly Oil. Let it cool. Apply on the affected area
* The seeds are used as a tonic in fever, and rheumatism
* Boil leaves of Balloon Vine in Castor oil. Apply it over inflamed joints
* Crush leaves of Balloon Vine to obtain juice. Use it as an Ear drop
* Drink 30 ml decoction of the plant once a day

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