Solanum erianthum
Binomial Name - Solanum erianthum
Common Name - Big Eggplant
Tamil Name - Yaanai Sundai ( யானை சுண்டை )
Family - Solanaceae
Place - Jawadhu Hills, Tiruvannamalai
Date - Sep 2015
---> The leaves are believed to be effective with ridding the body of impurities through the urine and are used for leukorrhea for that reason
---> The leaves are also used to induce abortion, while a poultice made from crushed leaves is used for hemorrhoids and scrofula
---> The leaves are considered abortifacient and diuretic
---> A decoction of the leaves is drunk as a treatment against vertigo
---> Heated leaves are applied as a cream to the forehead as a treatment against headache
---> The leaf juice is used as a rinse for sores in the mouth
---> A decoction from the roots is applied to treat violent pains all over the body or to relieve digestive troubles; it is also given to treat dysentery, diarrhoea and fever
---> The root bark is poisonous and can be used as an antiphlogistic and against arthritis
---> The plant is applied externally to treat skin irritations and rashes
---> An infusion of the plant is used for a bath after childbirth
---> The velvety leaves are used to remove grease from dishes
---> The Caribbean Solanum erianthum is planted as an ornamental
---> The fruits are an ingredient of arrow poison.
Although the fruits are considered poisonous, causing nausea, headache and cramps, in South-East Asia they are sometimes eaten when cooked
---> Southern India the fruits are prepared as a curry
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